Sunday, April 19, 2009

Happy 3rd Birthday Matthew!

Last night (Saturday the 18th) we went to Sarah's house to celebrate Matthew's birthday. It was fun and Kendall and Matthew had a good time. They really play so well together...well, they did play together so well, until Matthew got TRAINS for his birthday. What is it about men and their modes of transportation that they get so protective of them? Sorry Sarah but it was pretty funny. Matthew is a GREAT kid so it was funny to see that side. But they ALL HAVE IT! (note: I am poking fun at another person's child not as a "perfect mother of a perfect child" - well, perfect mother - yes...haha... but I'm allowed to make fun of another's childs behavior b/c mine has had more than her fair share of tantrums, yelling, screaming, pouting, and MINE-ing.)
Interestingly enough, you could see the look of satisfaction on Kendall's face as Matthew was being "talked to in the other room." The look could be described as "Hmmm...he wasn't sharing, then he got dragged off to the other room... now I'm here alone with ALL of the trains and I didn't say a word! Well that worked out GREAT for me!!!" But they still love each other. Even if they were locked inside for most of the evening b/c it poured down rain earlier that day.

A Day at the Zoo

The zoo? One word - NUTS. We went this past Wednesday with Sarah (+ 2 boys), Suzanne (+ 3 boys), me (+ 2 girls), and Sarah's sister Katie. Don't get me wrong, we've all got good-hearted kids...there were just 7 kids under the age of 5.

7 kids + 4 adults = NOT ENOUGH BACKUP.

Seriously. Thank goodness Sarah's sister decided to tag along or we would've been in some trouble. She chased the older AWOL kids so that we moms could man the strollers. Plus I don't think that we could have gone to the zoo on a busier day. On the upside it was a BEAUTIFUL day outside. I can't even tell you. I could have stayed out there all day...unfortunately the zoo doesn't sell margaritas. Or is that a good thing?
Stinky Elephants
Sarah & her boys

Kendall, Braden, Matthew & Truitt
Me and the girls

Boston Visitaaaas

Here are some pictures of our sweet Boston friends. My friend from college, Candi, and her husband and kids were down from Boston visiting her family and they came over on Monday night as well as another friend of hers and her 3 kids. The oldest kids were all girls and were in Kendall's room and had Princess outfits on before we could blink. I guess girls are drawn to fashion? They new exactly where to go. This also made me realize that Kendall needs more girl friends. Most of her friends are boys and of course won't dress up. Kendall walked around quietly all night with a subdued look on her face and I'm pretty sure she was thinking "Am I okay with all of these girls wearing all of MY stuff? Should I be saying something? It seems like fun. And I do get to be Snow White so I guess it's okay." Needless to say it was a lot of fun, the visit wasn't nearly long enough, and the house was VERY quiet when everyone left!

Candi's Luke & Meghan's Luke (8 months apart) The Princesses...Makenna, Rylie, Tatum and Kendall
Me with Avery, Candi & Rylie, Meghan & Luke


This was Kendall's first full on Easter celebration...dying eggs, egg hunt, Easter Bunny AND reading over and over and over the TRUE meaning of Easter. On Easter morning I asked her if Easter is all about bunnies and eggs and chocolate and she said "YES!!!" with both hands in the air and a hopeful face. "NOOOOOOO" I said, "what is Easter about?" and she said "CHOCOLATE EGGS!!!" [sigh] I tried. She did get it after that - JESUS! Close enough. It's okay honey, chocolate is on my "very important things" list too...just a couple under Jesus.

Kendall with Avery (who is smiling like she just snuck chocolate...)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Avery is 3 months!!!

I am really proud because I took these pictures myself! I couldn't decide on my favorite so I'm putting both.
Avery is getting to be so much fun. She "talks" a lot now and is still infatuated with her sister. No one makes her smile as much as Kendall. The only thing I'm getting tired of is her blow-out diapers. Good grief. I literally just threw one of her onesies away because it came up her front and basically looked like a mustard colored belt across her abdomen. It soaked all the way through to her night gown. Which reminds me that I forgot that it is marinating in her room right now. Better go throw it in the wash!

Visit to Dallas

I'm a little late on getting these pictures up - sorry! A couple of weekends ago we packed up and headed north for Avery's first visit to Dallas. It was cold and rainy so we mostly stayed in and let all of our wonderful friends and family come to visit us. It was so much fun. I just wish we'd had a few more days there! We'll be back soon though.

(Pictures left to right - My sister Michelle, Michelle Wood, Grandpa Jim and the girls, Cousins Nick and Ryland, Aunt Tray, Alex Reynolds)