Just before Christmas I saw that Kevin and Layla @ The Lettered Cottage made a replica of the Eagan Mirror from Pottery Barn. I was beside myself with excitement. I have loved that mirror for so long and never thought about trying to make it. Here is the retail mirror from PB...
They didn't have the tutorial up at that point, just a picture and that was a good thing because the last thing I had was time to put one together seeing as I had Kendall's birthday, Christmas and all that entails, my birthday, trip to Dallas, and Avery's birthday.
So once the holidays were over they got the tutorial up of how they put it together and I was pumped. I started planning and gathering supplies. The most expensive purchase was the mirrors. I was able to find them at Wal-mart for $3 each but I had to go to three stores to get them all. I'll write a longer post with more pictures later with all of my steps and some pictures (and what to watch out for!!!!) but if you want to see the best tutorial go to the source here - PB Eagan Mirror (Knock-off) Tutorial.
So without further ado...here she is! (This is photographed before Valentines day - we do not always have the heart decor!) And while you are here....please let me know what else I should add to my mantle now. It seems just the littlest bit bare still.
The best part - the large Eagan mirror retails for $699 (+$200 shipping) YIKES - I made mine for $150!!!!!!!! (...and some change). It was a lot of work but completely worth it.