Monday, November 26, 2012

Thanksgiving with the Brew Crew

We spent the Thanksgiving week in Dallas at my parents house and had a great time.  On Wednesday Kendall started drawing Pilgrims and Indians and a turkey on Popsicle sticks and before you know it was hounding me to type up a play for her.  I typed, she talked and created this little play.  They do "Reader's Theatre" at school where the kids each get to read/act out a part in a short play.   Kendall loves doing it so we officially have her first screenplay written and recorded!

Avery had stage fright so I read both parts. Other characters were Grandma, Grandpa and Daddy as the Turkey. The large Diet Coke box is the theater and half of the characters were actually "in" the box (ahem...turkey - Mike under the table with the feather showing).

And here are a few snap shots!

Piper, David, me and Mom

Despite constant appeals/coercion/force/threats we could NOT keep mom out of the kitchen.

And Jack from yesterday...apparently he had a crappy day...

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